It is a Single payment non-linked endowment life insurance with profit plan which offers guaranteed returns in the form of Guaranteed Sum Assured and vested reversionary bonuses with Final Additional Bonus. It is the combination of Investment plus Life Cover. Policy can be availed with duration of 10 years to 25 years and can be taken any person between the ages of 3 months to 65 years.
It gives a lump sum amount at the end of term, to take care of important milestones in your life like retirement needs, children’s education, and children’s marriage. In case of unfortunate demise, family needs are taken care.
Eligibility Criteria
| Minimum | Maximum |
Entry Age | 30 Days Completed | 65 Years Nearer birthday |
Term | 10 Years | 25 Years |
Sum Assured | ₹ 1,00,000/- | No Limit |
Premium Modes
Single Premium Only
Riders Available
LIC’s Accidental Death & Disability Benefit Rider
LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider
Death Benefit
On death of the Life Assured during the Policy Term, Sum Assured on Death alongwith vested Simple Reversionary bonuses and Final Additional bonus (if any), where “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as:
However, in case of minor Life Assured, whose age at entry is below 8 years, on death before the commencement of Risk (as specified in Para 1 above), the Death Benefit payable shall be refund of Single premium paid (excluding taxes, extra premium and rider premiums if any), without interest.
Maturity Benefit
Sum Assured on Maturity alongwith vested Revesionary Bonus and Final Additional Bonus.
Loan Facility is available during the term after 3 months from completion of the policy.
Option to Surrender the Policy
The policy can be surrendered at any time during the policy year. On surrender of the policy, the Corporation shall pay the Surrender Value equal to higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value andSpecial Surrender Value.